December 2013 Newsletter

In the spirit of the holidays, I wanted to first share my thanks:

Since starting J3T, your generosity and kindness continually amaze me. Each month, you consistently take the time to leave food at my doorstep, meet me in parking lots, leave food at your front door, or deliver the food directly to the J3T food pantry .

Some have found ways to contribute beyond food as well. Just recently someone donated a car to auction, with proceeds going directly to RWJD. One supporter crochets warm blankets that she donates to the youth at RWJD. Another woman spends many hours making personalized towels, purses, and tablecloths. She uses all her profits to buy food for J3T. Still others collect the toiletry samples from hotels when they travel for the youth at RWJD.

Whatever your contribution, thank you. You are truly making a difference for these youth.
As we experience shorter days and cooler nights, winter clothing and warm food become a necessity. We reach into our pantry at home for a can of soup and move our winter clothing to the front of our closet. We may take these simple things for granted, but for youth at RWJD, a warm coat or a hot meal is a luxury that they can only hope for. According to the staff, RWJD is facing a record number of homeless and hungry youth this winter. These youth need your help. Please ask friends and family to donate food or gently used winter clothing this holiday season. Someone is always available to collect these items.

This month’s request:
2 cans of ravioli and a can of fruit.

Heartfelt thanks to all of you.

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